IDE Configuration

If you plan on using an IDE there are a few configurations that are useful when developing with Severell.

IntelliJ (2020.2)

This guide is written using IntelliJ 2020.2 and may differ for different versions

Importing Severell Project

After you have created a new Severell project you can import into IntelliJ.

  1. From the main menu, select File | Open.

    Alternatively, click Open or Import on the welcome screen.

  2. In the dialog that opens, select the pom.xml file of the project you want to open. Click OK.

  3. In the dialog that opens, click Open as Project

Create Run Configuration

Once you have imported your Severell project we need to setup a run configuration if we want the IDE to build and run our project for us.

  1. From the main menu, select Build | Edit Configurations.

  2. Press the + to add a new run configuration.

  3. Choose Application in the dropdown that appears.

  4. Give your run configuration a name and set the main class to

  5. Scroll down to the Before Launch section.

  6. Press the + in the Before Launch section and choose Run Maven Goal and enter process-classes

  7. Hit Ok and then Ok again to close run configurations.

Go ahead and run the project and hit http://localhost:8009 and make sure its working.